Profile: BlueFire Admin

  • 143

App version 9.6.8 should fix the App hanging. Also, Adapter Firmware 3.22.3 has some nice new features.

2 years ago

The latest version now is 9.6.8 that supports Adapter Firmware 3.22.3.

2 years ago

Send the event log again. The last event log showed you still on Firmware 3.22.0. You can also update to Firmware 3.22.2.

2 years ago

Send the App’s event log (Settings/Send the Event Log) and I’ll take a look. Let me know when you have sent the event log too.

Also, if you have the App Setting 'Connect to Last Adapter' checked, try unchecking it, then connect, then re-check it.

2 years ago

The log did show some Bluetooth data errors but not that many. Maybe try unchecking the App Setting 'Monitor Faults' and see if that helps. If you're real dash shows a check engine light you really don't need to be constantly monitoring for faults. It does add overhead to the adapter and the App. And you can always add the Engine Status gauge to your dash and only when your dash is display will faults be monitored (again you're adding overhead).

2 years ago

Update the App to version 9.6.6 and see if that helps. If not then send me the App’s event log (Settings/Send the Event Log) and I’ll take a look. Let me know when you have sent the event log too.

2 years ago

This is a known bug and will be fixed in the next version (9.6.6) due out later this week.

2 years ago

If you can't install the driver from the Firmware Update instructions in the Getting Started document then you need to send your adapter in for update.

2 years ago

2 years ago

The email's to address should be populated with our Support email address so all you need to do is send the email from your email client.

2 years ago