Wednesday, March 12, 2025 8:28:08 AM

Both adapters updated 3.1 and 4.1 not connecting

2 years ago
#259272 Quote
Just got 2 adapters back from you.
Neither one will connect to my iPad
Neither one shows up under Bluetooth but other devices do.
My Bluetooth signal is at 90
I turned Bluetooth off and back on
I recycled power on ipad
Connect to last adapter is Unclicked
iPad app running 9.6.7
Reminder when you did adapters one is 4.1
Other adapter 3.1
I sent you a event log 1/2 hr ago for one of the adapters
2 years ago
#259274 Quote
Hi, just thought I'd mention that I had the same problem after having my adapter upgraded from 3.1 to 4.1.  After a couple of days playing with it, I decided to try upgrading the adapter firmware again.  The firmware was upgrade to 3.22.3. (I'm not certain if the firmware changed.) After the update completed, I am able to connect without any issues. Good Luck!
2 years ago
#259275 Quote
Thank you Dwayne for the response. I send my adapters back to mark for updating. My issue happened after I received the updated adapters.
Waiting for Mark or someone to get back.
2 years ago
#259280 Quote
Firmware version 3.22.2 breaks 4.1 adapters. Firmware version 3.22.3 fixes that plus adds some other nice features when mated with App version 9.6.8.
2 years ago
#259281 Quote
Mark, so does that mean I send both my adapters back for another update? I just got both of them back Saturday.
2 years ago
#259301 Quote
If you're still having problems connecting with Firmware 3.22.5 or lower, you need to update to 3.22.6 using Firmware Update program 7.0.1 (or by sending the adapter in for the update).