3.19 Updates:
• Added support for J1708 Extended Pids (Boost Pressure > 32).
• Turning off the App heartbeat will not cause an Adapter heartbeat timeout.
• Requires App versions 4.3.0+ (Motorhomes) or 6.3.0+ (Trucks).
3.19.1 Updates:
• Internal improvements.
• Android and Windows use the large 264 byte BLE client packet.
• Compatible with App versions 1.0.0+ (Motorhomes) or 4.12.0+ (Trucks).
3.19.2 Updates:
• Fixed adapter going dark (no LEDs) when it should not.
• Added the ability to change the J1708 Data Bus Timeout value.
• Fixed adapter not recognizing ignition key off for certain J1708 conditions.
• Longer adapter notification messages can now be sent to the App.
3.18 Updates:
• A Factory Reset command from the App now performs a factory reset.
• A faulty Bluetooth 2.1 Classic chip will blink the red led continuously.
3.18.1 Updates:
• Internal changes to support production manufacturing.
Here is our Getting Started document (PDF).
Getting Started
Here's also are the dash icon images for you to change if you want different ones.
Dash Icons
See the Getting Started document's 'Customizing Buttons and Gauge Icons' section for information on using the Dash Icons.
The old forum had been deprecated due to increased browser security.
You can still access it from the link below but you cannot post there anymore.
Old Forum Link
9.6 New Features:
• 4.1 Adapter
1. Compatible with the new 4.1 Adapter.
2. Faster connection, re-connection and data retrieval times.
3. Adapter Hardware version 3.1 (BLE) can be upgraded to 4.1. Classic 2.1 Adapters cannot be upgraded.
• Truck ELD (Federal Electronic Data Logging)
1. The Truck ELD App functionality to test BlueFire ELD Adapters has been removed.
• App and Adapter Heartbeat
1. Removed the App heartbeat to the Adapter. A disconnected Adapter is now detected using Bluetooth rather than the heartbeat.
2. Removed the Adapter Heartbeat for 4.1 Adapters. A disconnected App is now detected using Bluetooth rather than the heartbeat.
3. Changed the Adapter Heartbeat to 30 seconds and Heartbeat Interval to 5 seconds for 2.1 and 3.1 Adapters.
9.6.0 Updates:
• Home Page
1. Removed Truck ELD functionality.
2. Fewer first Adapter connection failures.
3. Faster iOS Bluetooth connection and data retrieval.
4. Fixed Adapter 'Not Authorized' alert showing correctly.
5. Fixed not detecting Key On/Off when connecting while in Demo mode.
• Dash, Drive, Repair and Trip Pages
1. Fixed ECM data not being received when the key is turned on for the first time.
• Trip Page
1. Trip name will show up in the Trip email body.
• Logging Page
1. Data Logging will record 'NA' in the spreadsheet instead of -999.
2. Fixed not recording data if connected and in Demo mode.
• IFTA Page (Trucks only)
1. Fixed not recording data if connected and in Demo mode.
• Settings Page
1. Fixed Security settings not working on Android devices.
• Other
1. Compatible with 4.1 Adapters and 4.1 Adapters are only compatible with App version 9.6+.
2. Fewer heartbeat transmissions between the App and the Adapter.
1. Removed the App heartbeat to the Adapter. A disconnected Adapter is now detected using Bluetooth rather than the heartbeat.
2. Removed the Adapter Heartbeat for 4.1 Adapters. A disconnected App is now detected using Bluetooth rather than the heartbeat.
3. Changed the Adapter Heartbeat to 30 seconds and Heartbeat Interval to 5 seconds for 2.1 and 3.1 Adapters.
9.6.1 Updates:
• Home Page
1. More reliable connection/re-connection when other BLE devices are nearby.
• Other
1. Internal improvements for the 4.1 Adapter.
9.6.2 Updates:
• Home Page
1. Fixed issues with connecting to the Adapter for Apple and Android devices.
2. Faster second and subsequent connections if not using the 'Connect to Last Adapter' setting.
3. Windows computers no longer need to recycle Bluetooth (turn off and back on) for subsequent connections.
• Settings Page
1. Added a 'Connect to Strongest Adapter' option for connecting when other BlueFire devices are nearby.
2. The 'Bluetooth Discovery Timeout' value must be greater than or equal to 5 seconds.
3. The 'Adapter Connection Timeout value value must be greater than or equal to 10 seconds.
4. The 'Recycle Bluetooth' option no longer needs to be set for Windows computers.
• Other
1. Internal bug fixes and improvements.
9.6.3 Updates:
• Home Page
1. Fixed issues with connecting to the Adapter for Apple and Android devices.
2. The 'Connect to Last Adapter' setting should now be used for faster second and subsequent connections.
• Audio Alerts Page
1. Fixed playing changed settings.
2. Renamed the 'Clear Alerts' button to 'Restore Alerts'.
3. Fixed Dash and Gauge Range Alert changes not being saved.
• Other
1. Internal bug fixes and improvements.
9.6.4 Updates:
• Home Page
1. Fixed failing to connect to the Adapter if Demo Mode is on.
2. Demo Mode will always be turned off when connecting to the Adapter.
• View Dash Page
1. Fixed duplicate gauges not updating in sync.
2. Fixed single and double tapping a dash to navigate to the previous page or to the Customize Dash page.
3. Fixed Counter gauges not being restored when re-showing the dash.
4. Fixed other possible issues dealing with waiting for driving to start (speed > 0).
• Logging Page
1. Fixed system error when returning from showing log files.
• Settings Page
1. Renamed the 'Bluetooth Calibration' option to 'Bluetooth Signal Strength'.
• Signal Strength Page
1. Fixed iOS system error when showing the Signal Strength page and the App is not connected to the Adapter.
2. An iOS prompt to connect to the Adapter will be shown if the App is not connected to the Adapter.
3. A Windows prompt to disconnect from the Adapter will be shown if the App is connected to the Adapter.
• About Page
1. The Adapter Serial Number is no longer displayed.
2. The Firmware Updated and Hardware Updated dates are now displayed (only with latest Adapter Firmware 3.22).
• Other
1. Required for 4.1 Adapters.
2. Requires all 3.22.0 Firmware Adapters to update using Firmware Update 6.1.2.
3. Internal bug fixes and improvements.
• Documentation
1. Updated the Getting Started document to version 6.9.1.
9.6.5 Updates:
• View Dash Page
1. Unlocked gauges will always be shown.
2. Fixed not showing gauge icons on initial show of dash.
3. Added a confirmation alert when resetting Counter gauges.
4. Fixed Counter gauges not showing previous value on initial show of dash.
5. Fixed Counter gauges not showing data when navigating back to the dash and the key is off.
6. Fixed multiple Counter gauges not updating correctly.
7. Fixed gauges with the 'Show Gauge only on Alert' option not showing the gauge.
8. Fixed not updating Text gauges that have a corresponding Linear Graphic gauge.
• Customize Dash Page
1. Fixed removing a gauge that has it's name changed not being removed.
• Download Dash Page
1. Retrieves dashes 10 at a time and added 'Next' and 'Prev' buttons for navigating dashes.
• Customize Gauges Page
1. Added a 'Count Down' option for Counter gauges.
2. Fixed not auto saving Range Alerts.
3. The 'Show Gauge only on Alert' option no longer requires a Range Alert.
4. Fixed Alert gauges showing 99999 for the Good Range value.
5. Fixed the following Alert gauges not allowing a Good Range value:
• Fuel Remaining
• DEF Remaining
• Hours Remaining
• Distance To Empty
• DEF Distance Remaining
• Trip Distance Remaining
• Trip DEF Distance Remaining
• Data Logging Page
1. Fixed not being able to update the 'File Name'.
• Other
1. New Forum in our Store website replaces the old Forum.
2. Fixed App becoming non-responsive.
3. Fixed not stopping previous Adapter data retrieval when navigating back to a previous page.
4. Fixed Android BLE devices retrieving Adapter sent commands erroneously.
5. Fixed Android 12 devices not showing an Android notification when App alerts occur.
6. Fixed Apple devices not connecting to the Adapter if the Setting 'Connect to Last Adapter' is checked.
7. Internal bug fixes and improvements.
• Documentation
1. Updated the Getting Started document to version 6.9.2.
9.6.6 Updates:
• Home Page
1. Fixed issues with Android Adapter connection.
2. Fixed Auto Connect not disabling buttons when connecting.
3. Fixed Auto Connect disabling buttons when not connected.
• View Dash Page
1. Fixed system error when disconnecting from the Adapter.
2. Fixed App crashing in Android when showing certain gauges.
• Import Dash Page
1. An iOS alert will be displayed if not signed into iCloud.
• Signal Strength Page
1. Fixed Windows not showing the Signal Strength correctly.
• About Page
1. Fixed not showing the correct Adapter Hardware and Updated date.
• Other
1. Supports Adapter Firmware 3.22.1.
2. Internal bug fixes and improvements.
• Documentation
1. Updated the Getting Started document to version 6.9.3.
9.6.7 Updates:
• Home Page
1. The Adapter serial number is restored.
2. Fixed erroneous incompatible Adapter alerts.
3. Fixed erroneous invalid and missing serial number alerts.
4. Firmware 3.22.0 users will be notified of the 3.22.1 update.
• About Page
1.The Firmware and Build Update dates will show correctly.
• Other
1. Internal updates.
9.6.8 Updates:
• Other
1. Fixed App locking up when J1708 errors in the Adapter.
2. Fixed App not detecting a loss of Bluetooth for Bluetooth Classic 2.1 Adapters.
3. The App no longer waits 12 seconds for 3.22 adapters to reboot.
4. Support for Adapter Firmware 3.22.3.
1. Fixed not connecting to a 4.1 Adapter.
2. Faster disconnection and re-connection.
9.6.9 Updates:
• Other
1. Support for Adapter Firmware 3.22.6.
1. Faster App connection.
2. More reliable App connection for 3.1 Adapters.
3. Possible improvement to J1708 data retrieval.
2. The System Setting 'Adapter Send Data Interval' is set to 0.
3. Added the capability to override a corrupted or invalid Adapter serial number.
4. Internal updates and improvements.
9.5 New Features:
• Home Page
1. Added a Close button for closing the App properly. Use this or add the Close button gauge to your custom dash to ensure that persistent data is saved.
• Customize Dash Page
1. Added an 'Adapter Buffer' Graphic gauge to the existing Text gauge.
2. Added 'Miles Counter' and 'Hours Counter' Text and Graphic gauges. See the Getting Started document for more info on these gauges.
• Fuel and DEF Page
1. Added a 'Calculate DEF Used' option that will calculate DEF Used and DEF Fuel Economy when your ECM does not transmit DEF Used. See the Getting Started document's 'Fuel and DEF' section for more info on this option.
• Adapter Connection
1. BLE adapters signal strength will be checked and alerted for low signal strength.
2. The App will show a notification when Bluetooth loses the connection and then will attempt a reconnection. Previously there was no Bluetooth notification when the App attempted a reconnection.
3. The Settings page contains a new 'Bluetooth Calibration' option page that will show the BLE signal strength to allow you to position your mobile device in the most optimum location for a good adapter connection.
9.5.0 Updates:
• Home Page
1. Fixed App Setting 'Connect to Last Adapter' not working for Windows Bluetooth Classic (2.1) adapters.
2. Fixed the following issues when Settings "Auto Connect' and 'Show Dash on Adapter Connection' are set:
- Showing the dash when the App is not connected.
- Locking up the Home page and not showing the dash.
• Customize Dash Page
1. Added an 'Adapter Buffer' Graphic gauge to the existing Text gauge.
2. Added 'Miles Counter' and 'Hours Counter' Text and Graphic gauges.
3. The Range Alert file will be saved right after browsing for it.
• Customize Gauges Page
1. Fixed system error when playing/saving a Range Alert.
2. The Range Alert file will be saved right after browsing for it.
• Trip Page
1. Added an 'Ignore Odometer' option. Allows for starting a trip when the ECM is not transmitting the odometer.
• Drive Page
1. Fixed Fuel Level not showing correctly if showing it as a volume.
• Other
1. More reliable adapter connection, reconnection, and data retrieval.
2. Fixed not always disconnecting from the adapter when exiting the App.
• Documentation
1. Updated the Getting Started document to version 6.6.0.
9.5.1 Updates:
• View Dash Page
1. Range Alerts will now wait for data to be retrieved.
2. The Adapter Data Buffer must be above 100% for 5 seconds before setting the Performance Intervals.
• Trip Page
1. Ignoring the Odometer will now calculate Trip Distance.
• Other
1. Internal changes to improve adapter connection, reconnection, and data retrieval.
9.5.2 Updates:
• About Page
1. Moved calibration to the Settings page.
2. Fixed navigating to the Amazon App Store for new versions.
• Settings Page
1. Added a 'Bluetooth Calibration' page that includes a signal strength meter.
2. The 'Silent Reconnection' option will now show the reconnection notifications but not play any audio alerts.
• Other
1. Reconnection status will be shown on all pages.
2. The App will show a notification when Bluetooth loses the connection.
3. BLE adapters signal strength will be checked and alerted for low signal strength.
4. Internal changes to improve the adapter connection, reconnection, and data retrieval.
• Documentation
1. Updated the Getting Started document to version 6.6.1.
9.5.3 Updates:
• Home Page
1. Added an 'Adapter Timed Out' alert.
2. Added 'Got It/Remind Me Again' to the 'Lost Bluetooth' alert.
3 Added 'Firmware not Optimized' text to the Firmware Update alert for Firmware 3.20 and lower.
4. Fixed showing multiple adapter connection alerts.
• Settings Page
1. Renamed the 'Calibration' setting to 'Bluetooth Calibration'.
• Bluetooth Calibration Page
1. The Signal Strength meter will show the signal strength without an Adapter connection.
2. Windows devices will show the signal strength changing if not connected to the Adapter.
3. Tapping the Signal Strength meter will change the text value to RSSI (and back).
• Other
1. Better Adapter connection and reconnection.
2. Fixed not detecting the device's Bluetooth being off correctly.
3. Firmware 3.20- will no longer cause the Adapter to save it's settings every App page change.
• Documentation
1. Updated the Getting Started document to version 6.6.2.
9.5.4 Updates:
• Home Page
1. Fixed pairing Android Bluetooth Classic Adapters.
2. Fixed Adapter Minimum Interval not being set to 333 for new users.
3. Changed the Adapter Minimum Interval alert to a 'GotIt/Remind Me Later' alert.
• View Dash Page
1. Fixed Text Gauges not resizing properly.
2. Fixed missing night colors on older dashes.
3. Linear Gauge Gradient Bar now works with Windows.
• Customize Gauges Page
1. Text Gauges will now show the correct height.
2. The Linear Gauge 'Gradient Bar' option is now visible with Windows.
• Fuel and DEF Page
1. Added a 'Calculate DEF Used' option.
2. Persistent Fuel Data will now be saved when navigating to any other page.
• Settings Page
1. The 'Do Not Lock Screen' option now works with Android devices.
• Other
1. Removed the Firmware 3.20 and lower update notice (no longer needed).
• Documentation
1. Updated the Getting Started document to version 6.6.3.
9.5.5 Updates:
• Home Page
1. Added a Close button for closing the App properly.
• Settings Page
1. Fixed showing the Speed's Unit of Measure in Knots (Kn) when un-checking the 'Use GPS Speed' option.
• Other
1. Fixed ECM not updating page data after coming from the background.
2. Fixed iOS devices disconnecting the Adapter when going into the background.
3. Improved Adapter connection and data retrieval.
9.5.6 Updates:
• Home Page
1. Faster adapter connection and disconnection.
2. Tapping the Disconnect button while disconnecting will no longer auto show the dash.
• View Dash Page
1. The Adapter Buffer text gauge will switch between the Message and Packet buffers when tapped.
• Settings Page
1. Fixed the 'Do Not Lock Screen' option.
2. Fixed the Metric option not persisting over App startup.
3. The 'Adapter Minimum Interval' option can now be set to 0.
4. Moved the 'Adapter Buffer Size' option to System Settings 'Adapter Buffer Sizes'.
5. The 'Bluetooth Discovery Timeout' default setting is now 18 seconds (the time to perform an adapter reset).
• Fuel and DEF Page
1. Setting the 'Show Fuel Level Volume' option will now adjust existing and new fuel level gauges.
• Other
1. Fixed ECM data not updating page data when first connected to the adapter.
2. The Adapter Buffer Full alert will now increment the Adapter Minimum Interval instead of the Performance Interval.
3. The App waits 3 seconds after initial Key On and after every Key Off to allow for ignition key bouncing.
4. The Windows version loses the adapter connection less frequently.
5. Internal bug fixes and improvements.
• Documentation
1. Updated the Getting Started document to version 6.7.0.
9.5.7 Updates:
• Home Page
1. The Close button will always be enabled.
2. Added a 'J1708 Not Set On' notice at startup.
• Settings Page
1. Added a 'Do Not Show Key On/Off' option.
2. The 'Reset App' option now works for Windows.
3. Changing the Metric option now changes all the Offset settings and Fuel and DEF Tank capacities.
• Other
1. Stopping the audio alert now stops the speech to text also.
2. Internal bug fixes and improvements
9.5.8 Updates:
• Home Page
1. Fixed iOS App not showing re-connecting status when coming back from the background.
2. Fixed navigating back to the Home page during re-connecting not showing just the Disconnect and Close buttons.
• Customize Dash Page
1. Fixed Android App crashing when uploading dashes.
• Audio Alerts Page
1. A new page, used in the Settings 'Audio Alerts' option, the Customize Dash 'Range Alerts' option, and the Customize Gauges 'Warning/Danger Low/High Range Alerts' options.
• Settings Page
1. Moved the 'Silent Reconnecton' option to the 'Audio Alerts' page.
2. Added a 'Silent Background' option to the 'Audio Alerts' page.
• Navigation Bar
1. Added the Close button.
• Other
1. Added support for Android 12.
2. Background alerts will play every second instead of continuously.
3. Fixed iOS App disconnecting from the adapter when going to the background.
4. Internal bug fixes and improvements
• Documentation
1. Updated the Getting Started document to version 6.8.0.
9.4 New Features:
• Home Page
1. Added a 'Customize' dash button that will navigate to the Customize Dash page.
• Customize Dash Page
1. Added a 'Close App' button that will save any dash and Setting changes and then close the App properly.
2. Added a 'Retarder State' Text gauge that will show an icon indicating whether the retarder is engaged or disengaged.
• Customize Gauges Page
1. Added a 'Show Alert Background Color' option that will allow you to highlight the background color of a Text gauge when a range alert occurs.
• Settings Page
1. Added a 'Data Not Available' option that allows you to change the 'NA' value that is shown in your custom dash.
• Dash Repository
1. The Dash Repository and Saved Dashes will now only support App version 9.3.2 and above.
• App Closing
1. Persistent App data is now only saved when the App is properly closed. Turning off the mobile device without closing the App will result in persistent data not being saved.
9.4.0 Updates:
• Home Page
1. Added a 'Customize' dash button that will navigate to the Customize Dash page.
2. Move the 'Dash' and 'Customize' buttons to the left side of the page grid.
3. Swapped the 'Settings' and 'About' button positions.
• View Dash Page
1. Fixed Circular gauges not showing warning and danger value colors.
2. Fixed double tapping a gauge not working after returning from Customize Gauges.
3. Fixed showing a simple dash with graphic gauges that have corresponding text gauges.
4. Fixed Circle gauges not showing range colors in Android.
5. Fixed single and double tapping on a dash not working in Android.
6. Fixed showing the gauges 'NA' values correctly.
• Customize Dash Page
1. Loading a custom dash will no longer save the dash.
2. Fixed Night Mode being turned off when when loading, importing, or downloading another dash.
• Customize Gauges Page
1. Circle gauges no longer edit for minimum size values.
2. Circle gauges can be as small as you like in iOS.
3. Circle gauges can be a little bit smaller in Android (13 percent or width of 37).
4. The 'Percent' option no longer loops when changing the value.
• Settings Page
1. Added a 'Data Not Available' option.
2. Removed the 'Customize Dash' option.
3. Added additional text to the 'Performance' options.
4. Unchecking a Performance option will set the 'Interval' to it's default value.
5. The 'App Backup' option is no longer shown on Android 11+ devices.
• Other
1. The Ignition Key On/Off alert will show correctly.
2. Added an Android Google Play Services alert for better location and GPS data retrieval.
3. Fixed initial App installs failing under certain conditions.
4. Fixed Android App crashing when ending the App and GPS location gets updated.
5. Added the 'Customize' dash button to the Navigation bar.
6. Swapped the Navigation bar's 'Settings' and 'About' button positions.
7. Internal changes and improvements.
• Documentation
1. Updated the Getting Started document to version 6.4.0.
9.4.1 Updates:
• View Dash Page
1. Fixed Cruise Control, Cruise State and Cruise Speed not always showing.
2. Fixed Cruise Control, Cruise State and Cruise Speed 'Hide when Off' option not working correctly.
• Info Page
1. Transmission data will be saved if the Setting 'Remember Motorhome/Truck Info On Exit' is checked.
• Settings Page
1. Removed the Android 'Backup App' option in lieu of copying the App folder (see Other).
• Other
1. Fixed App crashing on installation in certain circumstances.
2. Page loading will not show notifications if the page is reloading (eg. night mode change).
3. Android now creates the BlueFire Apps folder in the 'Android/data/com.bluefire-llc.apps/files' folder. Recommend 'Cx File Explorer' for accessing the App folder.
4. Internal changes and improvements.
• Documentation
1. Updated the Getting Started document to version 6.4.1.
9.4.2 Updates:
• View Dash Page
1. Fixed the 'Current and Selected Gear' Text gauges not showing data.
2. Fixed the 'Retarder Percent' Text and Graphic gauges not showing data.
3. Fixed Simple Dash gauges not aligning properly when returning from the Customize Gauges page.
4. RPM and Speed will always be retrieved for checking if the Engine and/or Driving has started.
5. The 'Engine Status' Text gauge will show a green icon (No Faults) instead of a gray icon (NA).
6. The 'Regen State' Text gauge will show a green icon (InActive) instead of a gray icon (NA).
7. The 'TPMS Status' Text gauge will show a green icon (Good) instead of a blue icon.
8. Fixed system error when showing a 'Navigation Map' Text gauge.
• Customize Dash Page
1. Added a 'Retarder State' Text gauge (Engaged or Disengaged).
2. Renamed the 'Regen Status' Text gauge to 'Regen State' (Active or InActive).
3. Fixed system error when loading a dash that is too old.
4. Fixed system error when saving a dash and the dash is in use.
• Settings Page
1. Removed the Android 'Restore App' option in lieu of copying the App folder.
• Other
1. Fixed system error caused by going back to the previous page before the current page is loaded.
2. The Dash Icons.zip file has been updated with the new icons.
3. Internal changes and improvements.
9.4.3 Updates:
• Startup
1. App versions 9.0 and 9.1 will no longer cause the App to fail.
2. Better detection of corrupted and incompatible App settings.
• Other
1. Internal changes and improvements.
9.4.4 Updates:
• Home Page
1. Changed the Faults icon graphics.
2. Added an 'App Closing' warning alert.
• View Dash Page
1. Changed the Faults button graphic.
2. Fixed 'Calculating Fuel Level' option showing incorrect data.
3. Fixed adapter disconnecting when loading slow pages.
• Customize Dash Page
1. Added a 'Close App' button that will save any dash and Setting changes and then close the App properly.
2. Fixed Dash changes not being saved if the App is closed while the page is open (iOS and Windows only).
• Customize Gauges Page
1. Fixed system error when restoring gauges.
• About Page
1. The 'New Firmware Update' alert will always be shown.
• Other
1. Fixed system error caused by going back to the previous page before the current page is loaded.
2. Persistent data (Settings, Fuel Data, etc) may be saved if an iOS device is powered off or swiped to close.
3. Internal changes and improvements.
• Documentation
1. Updated the Getting Started document to version 6.5.1.
9.3 New Features:
• New Gauges
1. Added 'Crankcase Pressure' Text and Graphic gauges.
• New Options
1. Added a 'Ignore Single Dash Tap' option to the Customize Dash page.
9.3.0 Updates:
• Home Page
1. Added a Location source (GPS, Network, Other) notification message to Android and Windows.
• View Dash Page
1. Improved updating Direction, Elevation, and GPS Compass gauges.
2. Tapping on a locked GPS Compass gauge will restart GPS (same as Direction and Elevation).
3. Fixed Icon Alert gauges (Engine Status, Regen Status, Brake Pedal, TPMS) not showing alert image.
4. Fixed Graphic gauge not showing decimal places correctly when a corresponding Text gauge has different decimal places.
5. Fixed not allowing gauges to be moved to the bottom when a Linear gauge is in the dash.
6. Fixed allowing gauges to be moved beyond the right side when a Linear gauge is in the dash.
• Customize Dash Page
1. Added Crankcase Pressure gauges.
2. Import Custom Dash can import multiple dashes.
3. Import Custom Dash can import a dash and any associated images at the same time.
4. Fixed Simple dash able to add gauges.
• Customize Gauges Page
1. Fixed system error with Backup/Restore options when night mode changes.
2. Fixed Simple dash showing Text and Graphic gauge selections when Text gauges are defined.
• Trip Page
1. Fixed older trips not showing data correctly.
• Drive Page
1. VIN and Faults will not be retrieved in order to keep the CAN Filter from filling up.
• Repair Page
1. Added Crankcase Pressure.
2. VIN and Faults will not be retrieved in order to keep the CAN Filter from filling up.
• Other
1. More reliable adapter reconnection.
2. Fixed GPS not detected when it actual is available.
3. Internal changes and improvements.
4. Firmware's 3.16 and below are no longer supported.
• Documentation
1. Updated the Getting Started document to version 6.3.
9.3.1 Updates:
• Customize Dash Page
1. Fixed system error when canceling importing a dash.
• Customize Gauges Page
1. Improved backing up and restoring a gauge.
• Settings Page
1. Fixed 'Ignore GPS Detection' showing not checked when it is checked.
2. Fixed 'Use GPS Compass' set unchecked on startup after being checked.
3. Renamed 'Do Not Use GPS' to 'Ignore Location Services'.
4. Renamed 'GPS Check Interval' to 'Location Check Interval'.
• Other
1. Improved email functionality.
2. Internal changes and improvements.
• Documentation
1. Updated the Getting Started document to version 6.3.1.
9.3.2 Updates:
• View Dash Page
1. The Compass graphic gauge will test in iOS.
2. The Compass text and graphic gauges will be kept in sync when both are on the dash.
3. The Android rotating dial compass gauge's value or the gauge itself no longer disappears.
4. The Windows App will allow single tapping the dash to go back to the previous page.
5. Fixed the Linear Gauge 'Gradient Bar' for Android and iOS (not available in Windows).
6. Fixed the Fuel Level gauge error when showing fuel level volume with no secondary fuel tank capacity.
7. Fixed system error when tapping a 'Next Page' button when there is no 'Prev Page' button.
8. Fixed the 'Next Page' and 'Prev Page' buttons not restoring to the first page after exiting dash on the second page.
9. Fixed showing incorrect gauges when navigating to the page using the back arrow after adding or removing gauges.
• Customize Dash Page
1. Added an 'Ignore Single Dash Tap' option.
• Customize Gauges Page
1. The Navigation Bar is no longer shown.
2. The Customize Dash button (in landscape mode) is no longer shown.
3. The Backup and Restore pages no longer show the Navigation Bar.
4. The 'Gradient Bar' option is no longer available in Windows.
5. Fixed system error when navigating to the page using the back arrow after adding or removing gauges.
• Gauge Colors Page
1. Colors will be updated when returning to the Customize Gauges page.
• Trip Page
1. The 'Ignore Location' option will be turned off before a new trip is started.
• Settings Page
1. Renamed the 'Altitude Offset' option to 'GPS Elevation Offset'.
• Other
1. Improved adapter connection.
2. Fixed adapter re-connection alerts not showing after the first alert.
3. Android version 9+ will show App notifications.
4. Removed support for multiple languages.
5. Internal bug fixes and improvements.
9.3.3 Updates:
• View Dash Page
1. Fixed Dashes with a Text Compass gauge and no Graphic Compass gauge from being corrupted.
2. Fixed the 'Size to Grid' option causing a system error with Graphic gauges.
• Customize Dash Page
1. Fixed system error when canceling importing a dash in Android.
2. The 'Size To Grid' option will not be allowed if not in Demo mode.
• Customize Gauges Page
1. The 'Size To Grid' option will not be allowed if not in Demo mode.