Friday, July 26, 2024 7:49:55 PM

Problem Adding A New Gauge

2 months ago
#261559 Quote
I originally posted this in General but probably should have posted it here instead.

I just downloaded Version 10.0.5 of the software on my iPad Air running IOS 12.5.7.  I also just got my data adapter back from BlueFire with the hardware updated to 4.1.0.

Everything seems to be working okay but when I tap on Add or Remove gauges, on the Customize Dash Screen, the App closes.

I subsequently downloaded  Version 10.0.6 and the problem persists.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
2 months ago
#261562 Quote
I am having the same issue :(
2 months ago
#261564 Quote
X3. Can’t add gauges.  App crashes.

Customize Dash —> Add Button Gauge —> Dimmer (or Night).
App crashes.

I’ve tried connected, disconnected, and Demo mode.
2 months ago
#261565 Quote
Scotty Hutto wrote:
X3. Can’t add gauges.  App crashes.

Customize Dash —> Add Button Gauge —> Dimmer (or Night).
App crashes.

I’ve tried connected, disconnected, and Demo mode.

PS - iPad 11”, iOS 17.4.1
BlueFire app
Adapter version
2 months ago
#261566 Quote
Has anyone figured this out yet? Very frustrating!
2 months ago
#261571 Quote
Same issue, disappointed that it hasn’t been addressed.
1 month ago
#261589 Quote
This looks like an Apple issue with either memory or the iOS version.

Make sure you're up on the latest BlueFire App version (10.0.14 or 10.0.15). If your iOS version is 16 or lower you will get an alert saying you're going to be using App Version 9 Navigation.

Then go and try to Add/Remove Gauges a couple of times. If the App crashes, post here your iPad model, iOS version, and Memory.

This has been tested successfully with an iPad 5th generation, 32 GB and iOS 16.7.8.

1 month ago
#261592 Quote
This issue is resolved with 10.0.16 which should be available very soon.
1 month ago
#261595 Quote
I'm trying to figure out why there are 0 responses to all other queries but this one. Most seem very valid.