Wednesday, October 23, 2024 9:12:29 PM

Version 10.0

9 months ago
#261533 Quote
Release Dates:

    Apple   - 4/11/2014
    Android - 4/11/2014
    Windows - 4/9/2024 (side-load only)

Why Version 10:

The development environment used to create BlueFire Apps was bought out by Microsoft and support will end at the end of this year. Microsoft rewrote the development environment and published a new development environment. BlueFire Apps Version 10 is the updated version using the new Microsoft development environment. Microsoft changed many things, fixed some, and introduced bugs in others.

BlueFire Apps Version 10 has been in the development phase along with Microsoft for the past year and is finally ready for release. Please be patient if you find bugs and report them to BlueFire Support.

App Devices:

Android 8+ (API Level 26) is now required. Android versions 6+ and 7+ are no longer supported.

Amazon Fire tablets require Fire OS 7.1+ (API Level 26+).

The App is no longer in the Microsoft Store. You need to side-load it from this link.

The Adapter Firmware:

Adapter Firmware 3.17 and 3.18 are no longer supported. If your Adapter's Firmware is 3.17 or 3.18 (see the App's About Page), you need to either not install Version 10 or send your Adapter in for an update. You can order an update from this link..

Also, The App will only support Adapter Firmware 3.23+ with the 4.1 Hardware Upgrade starting in 2025, so it is highly recommended that when you have time, you send your Adapter in for the latest Firmware update and the 4.1 Hardware upgrade which greatly improves the Adapter connection. Note that 2.1 Hardware Adapters (Bluetooth 2.1 Classic) will continue to be supported with the latest Firmware.

To check if your Adapter has the 4.1 hardware upgrade, connect the Adapter, go to the App's About Page and look for the Hardware Version. If the Hardware Version does not show you can install the LightBlue App on an Apple or Android device and run it while the Adapter is plugged in. If you see BlueFire-EZ or BlueFire-EZ-C then you have a 4.1 Adapter. If you see BlueFire-LE then you have a 3.1 Adapter.

The Dash Repository:

All custom gauges have been rewritten and may not show on your dash exactly as before. Your custom dash may need to be tweaked to have it look the same as in version 9.7.5 (see Dash Conversion below).

Therefore, if you have a custom dash in the Dash Repository, you need to update it to Version 10, then upload it again. Over time, all non-Version 10 dashes will be removed from the Dash Repository.

Dash Conversion:

The App attempts to convert your custom dash to Version 10 as best as possible. However there still may be some anomalies with your gauges and dash. Below are a few known issues with the conversion.

    1.  Boxes and Borders may need to be adjusted.
    2.  Gauges 'Alignment' and 'Spacings' may need to be adjusted.
    3.  Horizontal Linear gauges may not be located correctly and need adjustment.

New Installs:

New installs default to the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Adapter. If you have an older Bluetooth Classic (2.1) Adapter you need to change the App Settings to 'Use Bluetooth Classic (2.1)'.


The Getting Started document has been updated for Version 10. You can view and download it from this link..

10.0.0 New Features:

    1.  A new 'Torque Mode' Text gauge.
    2.  New 'Horsepower' Text and Graphic gauges.
    3.  A new 'Reconnect' Button gauge.
    4.  A 'Show Actual Torque' option has been added to Customize Gauges that will show the actual torque (fps or nm) instead of percent.
    5.  A 'Max Torque' field has been added to the Settings page for use in calculating Actual Torque and Horsepower.
    6.  Graphic gauges can now have borders around them.
    7.  The concept of 'Frames' has been added to Customize Gauges.
    8.  Alerts can be dismissed automatically by a set time.
    9.  Gauges can be removed from the Customize Gauges page.
    10. Custom dashes will show an optional Navigation Bar instead of the 'Next' and 'Prev' page buttons.
    11. You can backup and restore App Settings, Colors, Custom Dash, saved Trips, and saved Dashes from the Settings page 'Backup\Restore' option.
    12. And a lot more...

10.0.0 Updates:

     •  View Dash Page
        1.  The page will automatically scroll if the dash goes beyond the boundaries of the page.
        2.  The 'Next' and 'Prev' Page buttons have been removed and a Navigation Bar added to the top of the page. This Navigation Bar can be removed with the new Customize Dash option.
        3.  Switching between scrolling and panning (drag and drop) in Android is now performed with a single tap on an open space in the dash.
        4.  iOS dashes need an open space to scroll (a dash with a backdrop will not be able to scroll) but you can still use the dash Navigation Bar.
        5.  Gauges can be moved off the visible area of the page (right and bottom) for creating a multi-page dash.
        6.  Icon gauges (Buttons, Engine Status, Regen State, etc) will now show their name below the gauge.
        7.  Border only gauges (boxes) are no longer forced to the back of the z-order. You may need to change their z-order for them to show correctly.
        8.  Windows shows the Title Bar's Back button unless a 'Home' or 'Back' button gauge is added.
        9.  Single and double clicks work correctly in Windows.
        10. Numeric data now shows commas for 1,000’s values.
        11. The Engine Status gauge will only check every 5 seconds.
        12. Persistent fuel data is saved when you're not driving.
        13. The J1708 'Input Temp' gauge will show Air Input Temp if Air Manifold Temp is unavailable.
        14. Android devices are no longer able to show an external map from the Navigation Map gauge.

     •  Dash Map
        1. A Trip icon is shown for where a Trip starts.
        2. A Direction icon is shown for the current location and direction.
        3. Tapping the Direction (current) icon pauses/resumes the map.
        4. Single Tapping the map will center the map on the current location.
        5. Hovering/Tapping the Direction (current) icon shows the city, suburb, and state.
        6. Hovering/Tapping the Trip icon shows the start city and state.
        7. Text font size and Icon size can be re-sized in Customize Gauges.

    •  Customize Dash Page
        1. Added a ‘Show Next/Prev Navigation’ option for showing the Dash's Next/Prev Navigation bar.
        2. New Graphic gauges will show the default Ranges.
        3. Clear Dash will reset the Snap/Size to Grid options.
        4. The Load, Save, and Share options will now show Notes below the gauge list.

    •  Add/Remove Gauges Page
        1. Added a 'Torque Mode' Text gauge.
        2. Added a 'Horsepower' Text and Graphic gauge.
        3. Added a 'Reconnect' Button gauge for reconnecting the adapter if the data stops updating.
        4. The Z-Order page now shows the highest Z-Order first.
        5. Changing the Z-Order no longer allows drag and drop.
        6. Removing a gauge with multiple Z-Orders will alert but allow the removal.
        7. The More Up/Down hint on the gauges list now shows a graphic Up/Down/Both.

     •  Dash Colors Page
        1. Added a 'Gauge Background' color.
        2. Changed the 'Apply' button text to 'Update'.
        3. The page will be set to night mode if Night Colors is selected.

     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1.  Added a 'Select Button Gauges' for Button gauges and to match Add/Remove Gauges.
        2.  Only one gauge type selection will show and be locked in place. Tap it again to see the other selections.
        3.  The Gauges selection lists will show the gauges in the same order as the Add/Remove Gauges page.
        4.  The 'Gauge Size' option now only shows the Percent. The Width/Height is moved to the 'Frame Size' option.
        5.  Added a ‘Frame Size’ option that shows the Width and Height of the gauge. It will automatically add borders around the gauge which you can change. If you remove the Frame (set Width/Height to 0) the borders will also be removed. Setting the Frame Width/Height to 1 will show the default value. You can then change the default value if needed.
        6.  Within a Frame, the 'Alignment' and 'Spacing' options will affect the Text gauge Name/Value. For Button gauges, the Alignment affects the Button, and Spacings affect the Name. For Graphic gauges (Circular, Linear) the Alignment affects the gauge, and Spacings affect the Name/Value. Negative Middle Spacing will reduce the space between the Name and Value.
        7.  With Frames and Spacings, it is now possible to place the Name/Value to the left or right of the gauge.
        8.  Added 'Show Start Point' and 'Show End Point' to the ‘Start and End Points’ option.
        9.  Added a 'Show Actual Torque' option that will show the actual torque (fps or nm) instead of percent (J1939 only).
        10. Added a 'Show Fuel Level Volume' option (from the Fuel and DEF page) that will show fuel level volume instead of percent.
        11.  Added an 'Alerts' button for showing the gauge's alerts and the alert value.
        12. Added a 'Remove' button for removing a gauge from the dash.
        13. Added a Clear Persistent Data alert to the 'Show Metric' option.
        14.  Only metric type gauges will show the 'Show Metric' option.
        15. Vertical Linear gauges will now show the Name/Value at the bottom of the gauge.
        16. Icon gauges (Buttons, Engine Status, Regen State, etc) will now show their name below the gauge.
        17. Changing the Graphic gauges 'Name' will show the Name in the drop-down list.
        18. The 'Template Gauge' option can now be applied to both a Text gauge and a Button gauge.
        19. Resetting a gauge will no longer reset the gauge's Location.
        20. Resetting a gauge will now only reset the gauge if the gauge is saved.
        21. Better Range Alert synchronization between common Text and Graphic gauges.
        22.  Better graphic gauge metric conversions (ranges, intervals).
        23. Android devices are no longer able to show an external map from the Navigation Map gauge.
        24. The 'Show Gauge' button will show the exact size and will scroll horizontally if needed (Windows only).
        25. The Navigation Bar has been added to the bottom of the page to allow navigation away from the Dash page.
        26. Numerous other updates and fixes.

     •  Gauge Colors Page
        1. Added a 'Gauge Background' color for Graphic gauges.
        2. Added an 'Update' button and a reminder alert.
        3. The page will be set to night mode if Night Colors is selected.

     •  Gauge Range Alerts Page
        1.  Alerts can now be silent (no Audio File or TTS Text).

     •  Info Page
        1. Fixed Android not retrieving Vehicle info (VIN, Make, Model, etc).

     •  Faults Page
        1. Fixed Android not resetting faults.

     •  Settings Page
        1.  Added an 'Alert Duration' option to automatically dismiss an alert.
        2.  Added a 'Max Torque' option for use in calculating Actual Torque and Horsepower.
        3.  Added a 'Show Actual Torque' option for setting gauges to show Actual Torque and Horsepower.
        4.  Added a 'Backup\Restore' option for backing up and restoring App Settings, Colors, Custom Dash, saved Trips, and saved Dashes.
        5.  Added a Clear Persistent Data alert to the 'Metric' option.
        6.  Added a System Setting 'Network Timeout' option for detecting network availability at App startup.
        7.  Fixed Android not retrieving Vehicle info (VIN, Make, Model, etc).
        8.  The 'Night Mode/Set Times' option now defaults to 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM.
        9.  The 'Night Mode Light Sensor' option is no longer available for Windows.
        10. The 'Retrieve Motorhome Info' option will show an alert and set the Adapter Minimum Interval to 300.
        11. Adapter Security is reset (new encryption) and an alert will be shown at App startup.
        12. The 'Use Bluetooth Low Energy' option is now the default for new installs.
        13. The 'Auto Email Faults' option will no longer email demo faults if the 'Do Not Show Default Data' option is checked.

     •  Fuel and DEF Page
        1. Added a 'Clear Persistent Data' option.
        2. The 'Show Fuel Level Volume' has been moved to the Customize Gauges page. This allows each fuel level gauge to have a different setting.
        3. Added a Clear Persistent Data alert at all related setting changes.

     •  TPMS Page
        1. TPMS can now be configured before enabling it.

     •  App Colors Page
        1. Changed the 'Apply' button text to 'Update'.
        2. The page will be set to night mode if Night Colors is selected.

     •  Other
        1.  Added a new back arrow icon to the Title Bar of all pages.
        2.  The look of check boxes has changed (circles in iOS).
        3.  Created a common drop down selection interface with custom colors.
        4.  Better network not available detection.
        5.  Better detection of iOS Bluetooth settings.
        6.  Better Alerts that can be timed to expire automatically.
        7.  App startup checks for Bluetooth, the Internet, and the BlueFire Database.
        8.  Added a 500K Data Bus alert when connected to the Adapter that sets the Adapter Minimum Interval to 300.
        9.  A serious error will now close the App.
        10. The old BlueFire for Trucks and BlueFire for Motorhomes Apps can no longer be migrated.
10.0.1 Updates: 4/13/2024

     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1. Fixed App crashing when two BackDrop Text gauges are assigned.
        2. Fixed App crashing when setting Text Image gauge option 'resize to frame aspect ratio'.
10.0.2 Updates: 4/17/2024

     •  Home Page
        1. Fixed delay when cancelling a connection after authentication.

     •  View Dash Page
        1. Fixed Simple dashes crashing the App.
        2. Added the Navigation Bar to Simple dashes.

     •  Add/Remove Gauges Page
        1. Fixed Add/Remove Gauges moving a gauge to the bottom of the Z-Order.
10.0.3 Updates: 4/18/2024

     •  View Dash Page
        1. Fixed DEF Remaining showing incorrect decimal point.

     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1. Fixed system error when showing a text gauge.
        2. Removed the 'Resize to Frame Aspect Ratio' option from non-backdrop images.

     •  Signal Strength Page
        1. Fixed Linear gauge not showing correctly.

10.0.4 Updates: 4/19/2024

    Removed due to invalid Syncfusion license.
10.0.5 Updates: 4/19/2024

     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1. Fixed gauge Reset not resetting the gauge colors.
        2. Fixed system error when opening the page from View Dash.

     •  Dash Download Page
        1. Fixed system error when tapping the Next button twice before all gauges were displayed.
10.0.6 Updates: 5/2/2024

     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1. Added an option 'Show Seconds' to Time gauges.
        2. Better 'Frame Auto Size' Width and Height calculations.
        3. Fixed not showing the 'Alert Background Color' correctly.
        4. Fixed multiple images with option 'Show behind all other gauges'.
        5. Gauge selection lists can be dismissed by tapping on the edge of the list.

     •  Dash Download Page
        1. Faster retrieving dashes.

     •  View Dash Page
        1. Fixed multiple 'Trip Meters' not all working.
        2. Fixed 'Engine Status' not showing correctly.
        3. Fixed 'Regen Status' and 'Retarder State' not showing correctly.
        4. Fixed system error due to internally corrupted Z-Order.
        5. Fixed system error when exiting the page while moving a gauge.
        6. Gauges are now updated every second or whenever the adapter receives data.

     •  Faults Page
        1. Demo faults are now more obvious.
        2. Auto email faults will show an alert message.
        3. Auto email faults will stop if unable to email the fault.

     •  App Colors Page
        1. Day and Night colors will be now reset individually.

     •  TPMS Page
        1. Fixed system error when number of tires is greater than 16.

     •  TPMS Configuration Page
        1. Fixed always disabling TPMS when updating and exiting the page.

     •  Alerts
        1. Alerts default to 30 seconds.
        2. Alert timeout will cancel the alert (No, Cancel, Remind Me Later).
        3. OK Alerts, Messages, and Prompts can be dismissed by tapping on them.

     •  Other
        1. Faster display of pages.
        2. Fixed pages not always enabling.
        3. Firmware 3.18 is no longer supported.
        4. Fixed Firmware 3.19.1 J1708 not connecting to the adapter.
        5. Internal updates and improvements.
10.0.7 Updates: 5/10/2024

     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1. Fixed Range Alerts not being updated.

     •  Dash Download Page
        1. Fixed a system error when showing previous dashes.

     •  View Dash Page
        1. Fixed Average Fuel Economy stuck when no ECM data and Calculate Fuel Economy is not set.

     •  Trip and Fault Pages
        1. Corrupted trip and faults files will show an alert to delete the file.

     •  Audio Alerts Page
        1. The Restore button is only enabled if data has been changed.

     •  Other
        1. Fixed corrupted Z-Order causing a system error.
        2. Fixed other internal system errors.
        3. Internal updates and improvements.
10.0.8 Updates: 5/15/2024

     •  View Dash Page
        1. Circular gauges show tick marks like in version 9.7.5.
        2. Better alignment of vertical Fuel Level gauge labels.

     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1. Rim Width can be adjusted for Circle and Compass gauges.
        2. Added confirmation alert to the Reset and Remove buttons.

     •  Home Page
        1. Fixed App Setting 'Auto Connect' not disabling the Home page.

     •  Trip Page
        1. Fixed not alerting if Trip Name already exists.
        2. Fixed not being able to enter Trip Name when connected to the adapter.
        3. Fixed Trip page not retrieving data after internally connecting to the adapter.

     •  Logging Page
        1. Logging Interval defaults to 10 seconds and Email Interval to 5 minutes

     •  Other
        1. Fixed iOS pages not being enabled when coming back from the background.
        2. Fixed Windows pages locking up when coming back from the backgrond with alerts showing.
        3. Fixed edit error loops in multiple pages.
        4. Fixed Audio Alerts Play Button not always enabled.
        5. Android versions 13+ no longer can recycle Bluetooth.
        6. Android version 13+ will prompt if Bluetooth is off.
        7. Messages, Ok Alerts, and Pickers can now be dismissed by tapping anywhere on the page.
        8. Internal updates and improvements.
10.0.9 Updates: 5/18/2024

     •  Dash Download Page
        1. New way of showing the Next and Prev buttons.
        2. iOS does not show the dash download count.
10.0.10 Updates: 5/20/2024

     •  Home Page
        1. Buttons are now disabled after tapping on a button.

     •  View Dash Page
        1. Fixed the page showing up blank.

     •  Add/Remove Gauges Page
        1. Fixed system errors when adding a new gauge.

     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1. Fixed gauge tick marks too short when setting 'Show Good Green' off.
        2. Fixed removing the image from a Text gauge setting the wrong z-order.
        3. Removing the image from a Text gauge will reset the Image data (opacity, etc).

     •  Share Dash Page
        1. Fixed the 'Email Address' field not showing on the page.
        2. Fixed not attaching the selected dash images to the email.

     •  Settings Page
        1. Changing the Sensor Night Mode will reload the page.

     •  Other
        1. Fixed system errors due to incorrect z-orders.
        2. Removed the 'Loading Page' alert message.
        3. Removed the 'Waiting for Adapter Data' alert message.
10.0.11 Updates: 5/24/2024

     •  Home Page
        1. Fixed iOS not being able to connect to non-4.1 hardware adapters.

     •  View Dash Page
        1. Fixed Compass gauges not working.
        2. Fixed not allowing Android Dash Map to show an external map.

     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1. Fixed App crashing when removing the last selected gauge.

     •  Settings Page
        1. Fixed the 'Signal Strength' option not working.
        2. Renamed the 'Bluetooth Signal Strength' option to 'Signal Strength'.

     •  Other
        1. The Email Address prompt will show an email keyboard.
        2. Alerts will pause when App goes into the background.
        3. Fixed alerts not showing and page hangs when changing Windows screen size.
        4. An invalid Adapter serial number will issue a corrupted data alert instead of an incompatible alert.

    10.0.12 Updates: 5/29/2024

     •  App Startup
        1. Fixed App crashing if Night Mode is set on.

     •  Trip Page
        1. Fixed Trip locations not always recording the State and Country.

     •  View Dash Page
        1. Fixed the compass gauge only working in portrait right side up mode.

     •  Settings Page
        1. Auto Email Faults will email all faults in one email.
        2. Auto Email Faults in Demo Mode will only email faults once.
        3. Auto Email Faults will email faults when the Setting 'Auto Email Faults' is checked.

     •  Dash Download Page
        1. Added an alert for when downloading dashes takes too long.
        2. Added an alert for when there is not enought device memory.

     •  Other
        1. Important alerts will no longer timeout.
        2. Removed Auto Save alert messages that were not needed.
        3. Alert messages (at the bottom of the page) will wrap if the text is greater than the page width.
        4. Added a Getting Started link to all alerts that reference the Getting Started document.

    10.0.13 Updates: 6/2/2024

     •  Home Page
        1. Fixed iOS not showing the Home Page disabled when tapping a button.

     •  Settings Page
        1. Fixed Backup/Restore for iOS.
        2. Fixed Backup/Restore not backing up App Settings.

     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1. Fixed Backup/Restore Gauges.
        2. Fixed Sharing Dash not forcing a selection before sharing.

     •  Other
        1. Fixed allowing double tapping on page controls (crashes iOS Apps).

    10.0.14 Updates: 6/6/2024

     •  App Startup
        1. Fixed App crashing when in night mode.

     •  View Dash Page
        1. Fixed Linear Gauges not sizing completely.

     •  Settings Page
        1. Added System Setting 'Use Navigation V9' setting.

     •  Other
        1. Fixed iOS version 16 and lower from crashing the App.
        2. Added Version 9 Navigation to fix the above.

     •  Known Bugs
        1. Vertical linear gauges do not scale on iOS devices.

    10.0.15 Updates (Apple only): 6/6/2024

     •  EULA Page
        1. Fixed Accept button not working for iOS 16 and lower devices.

    10.0.16 Updates: 6/10/2024

     •  Add/Remove Gauges Page
        1. Fixed App crashing with iOS version 16 and lower.

     •  Other
        1. Removed Version 9 Navigation.
        2. Added the ability to pause the alert timer by tapping anywhere on the page.
        3. Extending support for non Adapter Firmware 3.23+ with the 4.1 Hardware until the end of 2024.

    10.0.17 Updates: 6/14/2024

     •  View Dash Page
        1. Removed the light blue background from Linear gauges.
        2. Android Navigation Map now opens at the default zoom level.
        3. Fixed Android not being able to show an external map from the Navigation Map gauge.
        4. Fixed Android crashing the App when a Navigation Map is shown and the page is sent to the background.

     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1. Removed the light blue background from Linear gauges.
        2. Fixed Android crashing the App when a Navigation Map is shown and the page is sent to the background.

     •  Settings Page
        1. Changed the Email Address and Store Email Address fields to use the Internet keyboard.

     •  Other
        1. The Email prompt will no longer timeout.
        2. GPS Compass (heading) will only update if GPS Speed > 0.
        3. Fixed checkboxes not always updating the associated data.
        4. Fixed Android not pausing alerts when tapping on the alert text.
        5. Alerts will only be paused/resumed when tapping on the alert (not the page).
        6. Internal updates and improvements.

    10.0.18 Updates: 6/22/2024 (Apple) 6/28/2024 (Android/Windows)
     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1. Fixed Android not scrolling gauges Dropdown lists.

     •  Other
        1. Added a title to Dropdown list that when tapped will close the list (Android/Windows).
        2. Internal updates to help solve Apple Trip errors.

  Known Bugs
    1. Apple vertical linear gauges do not scale.
    2. Android Linear gauges with a Gradient Bar does not show the bar color when no gradient.
6 months ago
#261544 Quote
Version 10.0.3 is out for Apple, Android, and Windows. Amazon later.

Here are the updates:

     •  View Dash Page
        1. Fixed DEF Remaining showing incorrect decimal point.

     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1. Fixed system error when showing a text gauge.
        2. Removed the 'Resize to Frame Aspect Ratio' option from non-backdrop images.

     •  Signal Strength Page
        1. Fixed Linear gauge not showing correctly.
6 months ago
#261546 Quote
Version 10.0.5 is out for Apple, Android, Amazon, and Windows.

Here are the 10.0.5 updates:

     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1. Fixed gauge Reset not resetting the gauge colors.
        2. Fixed system error when opening the page from View Dash.

     •  Dash Download Page
        1. Fixed system error when tapping the Next button twice before all gauges were displayed.
5 months ago
#261555 Quote
Version 10.0.6 is out for Apple, Android, Amazon, and Windows.

Here are the updates:

     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1. Added an option 'Show Seconds' to Time gauges.
        2. Better 'Frame Auto Size' Width and Height calculations.
        3. Fixed not showing the 'Alert Background Color' correctly.
        4. Fixed multiple images with option 'Show behind all other gauges'.
        5. Gauge selection lists can be dismissed by tapping on the edge of the list.

     •  Dash Download Page
        1. Faster retrieving dashes.

     •  View Dash Page
        1. Fixed multiple 'Trip Meters' not all working.
        2. Fixed 'Engine Status' not showing correctly.
        3. Fixed 'Regen Status' and 'Retarder State' not showing correctly.
        4. Fixed system error due to internally corrupted Z-Order.
        5. Fixed system error when exiting the page while moving a gauge.
        6. Gauges are now updated every second or whenever the adapter receives data.

     •  Faults Page
        1. Demo faults are now more obvious.
        2. Auto email faults will show an alert message.
        3. Auto email faults will stop if unable to email the fault.

     •  App Colors Page
        1. Day and Night colors will be now reset individually.

     •  TPMS Page
        1. Fixed system error when number of tires is greater than 16.

     •  TPMS Configuration Page
        1. Fixed always disabling TPMS when updating and exiting the page.

     •  Alerts
        1. Alerts default to 30 seconds.
        2. Alert timeout will cancel the alert (No, Cancel, Remind Me Later).
        3. OK Alerts, Messages, and Prompts can be dismissed by tapping on them.

     •  Other
        1. Faster display of pages.
        2. Fixed pages not always enabling.
        3. Firmware 3.18 is no longer supported.
        4. Fixed Firmware 3.19.1 J1708 not connecting to the adapter.
        5. Internal updates and improvements.
5 months ago
#261563 Quote
Version 10.0.7 is out for Apple, Android, Amazon, and Windows.

Here are the updates:

     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1. Fixed Range Alerts not being updated.

     •  Dash Download Page
        1. Fixed a system error when showing previous dashes.

     •  View Dash Page
        1. Fixed Average Fuel Economy stuck when no ECM data and Calculate Fuel Economy is not set.

     •  Trip and Fault Pages
        1. Corrupted trip and faults files will show an alert to delete the file.

     •  Audio Alerts Page
        1. The Restore button is only enabled if data has been changed.

     •  Other
        1. Fixed corrupted Z-Order causing a system error.
        2. Fixed other internal system errors.
        3. Internal updates and improvements.
5 months ago
#261568 Quote
Version 10.0.8 is out for Apple, Android, Amazon, and Windows.

Here are the updates:

     •  View Dash Page
        1. Circular gauges show tick marks like in version 9.7.5.
        2. Better alignment of vertical Fuel Level gauge labels.

     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1. Rim Width can be adjusted for Circle and Compass gauges.
        2. Added confirmation alert to the Reset and Remove buttons.

     •  Home Page
        1. Fixed App Setting 'Auto Connect' not disabling the Home page.

     •  Trip Page
        1. Fixed not alerting if Trip Name already exists.
        2. Fixed not being able to enter Trip Name when connected to the adapter.
        3. Fixed Trip page not retrieving data after internally connecting to the adapter.

     •  Logging Page
        1. Logging Interval defaults to 10 seconds and Email Interval to 5 minutes

     •  Other
        1. Fixed iOS pages not being enabled when coming back from the background.
        2. Fixed Windows pages locking up when coming back from the backgrond with alerts showing.
        3. Fixed edit error loops in multiple pages.
        4. Fixed Audio Alerts Play Button not always enabled.
        5. Android versions 13+ no longer can recycle Bluetooth.
        6. Android version 13+ will prompt if Bluetooth is off.
        7. Messages, Ok Alerts, and Pickers can now be dismissed by tapping anywhere on the page.
        8. Internal updates and improvements.
5 months ago
#261569 Quote
Version 10.0.9 is out for Android, Amazon, and Windows.

Here are the updates:

     •  Dash Download Page
        1. New way of showing the download dash Next and Prev buttons.
        2. iOS does not show the dash download count.
5 months ago
#261570 Quote
You have been busy!  Much appreciated your hard work.
Thank you. -Nick
5 months ago
#261572 Quote
Version 10.0.10 is out for Apple, Android, Amazon, and Windows.

Here are the updates:

     •  Home Page
        1. Buttons are now disabled after tapping on a button.

     •  View Dash Page
        1. Fixed the page showing up blank.

     •  Add/Remove Gauges Page
        1. Fixed system errors when adding a new gauge.

     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1. Fixed gauge tick marks too short when setting 'Show Good Green' off.
        2. Fixed removing the image from a Text gauge setting the wrong z-order.
        3. Removing the image from a Text gauge will reset the Image data (opacity, etc).

     •  Share Dash Page
        1. Fixed the 'Email Address' field not showing on the page.
        2. Fixed not attaching the selected dash images to the email.

     •  Settings Page
        1. Changing the Sensor Night Mode will reload the page.

     •  Other
        1. Fixed system errors due to incorrect z-orders.
        2. Removed the 'Loading Page' alert message.
        3. Removed the 'Waiting for Adapter Data' alert message.
5 months ago
#261573 Quote
Version 10.0.11 is out for Apple, Android, Amazon, and Windows

Here are the updates:

     •  Home Page
        1. Fixed iOS not being able to connect to non-4.1 hardware adapters.

     •  View Dash Page
        1. Fixed Compass gauges not working.
        2. Fixed not allowing Android Dash Map to show an external map.

     •  Customize Gauges Page
        1. Fixed App crashing when removing the last selected gauge.

     •  Settings Page
        1. Fixed the 'Signal Strength' option not working.
        2. Renamed the 'Bluetooth Signal Strength' option to 'Signal Strength'.

     •  Other
        1. The Email Address prompt will show an email keyboard.
        2. Alerts will pause when App goes into the background.
        3. Fixed alerts not showing and page hangs when changing Windows screen size.
        4. An invalid Adapter serial number will issue a corrupted data alert instead of an incompatible alert.