Profile: Jay Witthuhn

  • 9

No...Air Pressure doesn't appear to be on the J1939 bus in this coach.  Actually, the operators manual indirectly indicates that.

Safe travels.

1 year ago

OK, I take it that the event log I sent didn't identifiy anything specific.  Not have air pressure surprised me, as that was never anissue on my previous coach (2018 Newmar Ventana also on a Freightliner chassis).

2 years ago

Today I tested BlueFire in my new coach.  The good news was that my previous issues with not being able to stay connected to the adapter are resolved.  The bad news is that neither primary nor secondary brake air pressure guages display any data.  All the rest of the guages on my dash are functioning OK.

I have a 2022 Newmar Super Star 3727 (Freightline M2 106 chassis).  I am using BF on an Apple 9th gen iPad.

This was the first time I've run BF on an Apple product.  The dash layout is also new.

I will send an event log.

2 years ago

Sorry for the delay in responding, but have been on a trip.  The problem was my fault.  I misundersttod the move to the 4.1 adapters and had flashed my 3.1 adapter with the 4.1 firmware.

Unfortunately, I could not resolve the issue while on the road as the firmware update didn't work with my Win 11 laptop (got a could not access file error).  I was able to reflash my adapter correctly from my Win 10 PC once I was back home.

I missed my BF dash!

2 years ago

I had checked that, and the adapter is listed.

2 years ago

We brought the coach home this morning to get ready for our trip so I tried again with the adapter connected in the coach, instead of powering it via USB.

Still cannot connect to the adapter.  Now after a few cycles of discovering, connecting, authenicating and retreiving data, the app crashes.

I've driven 33K+ miles using BF as my dash...never having had an issue with not being able to initially connnect to the adapter.

2 years ago

I found and installed the the new app verson, 9.6.7, this morning but still cannot connect to my adapter!

I just sent my current event event log.

2 years ago

Event log sent.  Yes, I had unchecked 'connect to last adapter.  Tank you.

2 years ago

I update my adapter to from 3.22 to 3.22.1 and the app to 9.6.6, I cannot get the app to connect to my adapter.  I have the adapter powered via USB cable since I am at home and the coach is in storage.  THe adapter just oninousily blinks blue.  In the past I've been able to connect to the adapter when powered via USB (my standard test after a firmware upgrade).  

I'm a litlle concerned as we are leaving on a trip in 3 days.

2 years ago